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Overall economic performance

% of permitted migrant staff working in private sector who have licensed status

Current Value





What is this about?

Employees in Jersey can be catgorised according to their residential status. People with 'entitled' or 'entitled for work' status ​don't need permission to be employed​. Undertakings who wish to employ 'registered' or licensed' staff must have appropriate permission to do so from the Population Office. In order to obtain permission to employ licensed staff, an employer must prove that they have been unable to recruit an individual with the required skills locally and must therefore recruit someone from off island with the "essential" skills to fill this post. This indicator measures the proportion of permitted staff (licensed and registered) working in the private sector who have licensed status (ie; essential employees).

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy