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Healthy Families (Talbot County) Annual


Program Summary

Healthy Families Queen Anne’s/Talbot provides intensive prevention and early intervention services to first time parents, eligible for M-CHP and residing in Talbot County, who also have risk factors for poor parenting outcomes.Home visitors (Family Support Workers) share the Growing Great Kids curriculum, build a sustained relationship with the participants, conduct developmental screens, refer for services, and model essential parenting skills.This program provides linkage of parents to services such as SNAP, WIC, Food Banks, Substance Abuse and Mental Health services.

Target Population

First time parents, pregnant or with a baby up to three months of age at enrollment, receiving M-CHP or uninsured, residing in Talbot (or QA & Kent) County who are at risk of poor parenting outcomes.

Governor's Strategic Goal


Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
% Change

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