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Home Visiting Hybrid for High Risk Moms- Calvert County Public Schools (Calvert County FY 18 and beyond- Annual)


Story Behind the Curve

FY24: The Home Visitor resigned in August 2023. The new Home Visitor came on staff in December 2023 and is enrolled in the required training to begin servicing families. The program was unable to enroll new families in the interim.

FY23: The program served 17 families in FY23, of which 76% completed thier scheduled home visits. The Family Service Worker (FSW) continues to establish strength-based, trusting relationships with families. As a result, their connection and participation in the program grows stronger with each home visit. 

Currently, the program is in the last stages of the Parents as Teachers (PAT) accreditation process. The program hopes to reach Blue Ribbon Affiliate Status later this year. This recognition will allow the program to be identified nationally for their work to meet national standards to fidelity.

FY22: 100% of families surveyed "Strongly Agreed" that program's Home Visitor offers encouragement and looks after thier families best interests. Additionally, 100% of survey respondents indicated they would recommend this program to a friend. 

The Home Visitor for this program moved out of state at the end of December. As a result, nearly 42% of families who were participating in the Program decided to terminate servies upon learning of the Home Visitor's Departure. For the families that choose to continue services, staff from the Healthy Families program offered by Calvert County Public Schools are providing services to the families.  The new Home Visitor joined the program in February. Since coming on board, the Home Visitor completed more than 75 hours of Professional Development and is seeing families. 

FY21:100% of families participated in the program's satisfaction survey administered in Fall 2020. Families provided insight on the program and the new virtual platforms. The survey also asked questions regarding quality and cultural sensitivity of the program and the links to community resources. One of the questions, "My Home Visitor respect's my familys way of doing things, including my family's culture and ethnicity" was answered by 100% of families as "Strongly Agree". Additionally, 100% of families "Strongly Agreed" that program provides valuable resources about thier child's development and health. All familes agreed the Home Visitor offers encouragement and looks after thier families best interests. 

FY19: This program completed its first full fiscal year on June 30, 2019. In July 2019, the Family Service Worker (FSW) who helped to establish this program, left for another home visiting program. Both programs are housed in the same facility. In an effort to prevent families from disengaging from services, the former home visitor maintained home visits until a new FSW was hired in late October 2019. The former FSW trained the new FSW and provided a warm hand off to families during this transition. The new FSW attended required PAT Training in December 2019. Because of the former FSWs actions, the program was able to maintain service to 13 families.

Program Summary

The Parents as Teachers (PAT) program is an evidence-based home visiting curriculum that provides in-home instruction from birth through kindergarten to enhance child development, parenting behaviors and family well-being through development-centered parenting and parent-child interactions. With CCIF funding, CCPS became a nationally recognized PAT Affiliate Program in May 2018.  This program allows for additional families that may not meet the criteria for the Healthy Families Calvert County (HFCC) program to receive home visiting services. The PAT Program, unlike HFCC, allows families to enroll beyond the age of three months and mothers can have multiple children. Additionally, this program allows for more intensive services and case management with a designated FSW with a capped caseload for this high risk population.

The goal of the PAT program is to provide parents with knowledge about child development and parenting support, provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues, prevent child abuse and neglect, and increase children’s school readiness. The FSW provides one-on-one home visits, monthly group meetings, developmental screenings, and linkages and connections for families to needed resources. Home visits with families are scheduled two times per month, with the number of visits gradually decreasing as the family transitions into other services. Based on the PAT model, the program offers services to the family for a minimum of two years.

Target Population

Expectant moms, new mothers/fathers and mothers/fathers with more that 1 child who: have a history of substance use or mental illness and are high risk (homeless; recenlty released from incarceration or the spouse of current incarcerates; disconnected youth; race/ethnic minorities; or impacted by poverty or hunger. Participants may enroll in the program anytime prior to thier child entering Kindergarten.  

Local Highlight

FY23: In June, the program had its first graduate! The family joined the program when the target child was younger than one. In the fall, the family will begin Calvert County Public Schools (CCPS) Head Start program.


Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
% Change
FY 2024

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