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Local Care Team Administration (Calvert County) Annual


Story Behind the Curve

FY22: In the first half of FY22, there were 2 youth referred for in-state placement and both were placed in an appropriate in-state residential care setting.

FY21: In the first half of FY21, there was 1 new youth referred for out-of-state placement for a Diagnostic Treatment Center due to not being suitable for in State Diagnostic Centers. All new cases referred in the second half of FY21 were for resource and community service linkages.

FY20: There were no new youth referred for in-state residential placement nor for out-of-state placement. All new cases referred in the second half of FY20 were for resource and community service linkages.

FY19: In the second half of FY19, there were no new youth referred for in-state residential placement nor for out-of-state placement. All new cases referred in the second half of FY19 were for resource and community service linkages.


DJS, DDA, BHA, CSA, Dept of Ed, Health Dept., DSS, LMB, Parent(s), Div of Rehabilitation Svc, LCT coordinator, Maryland Coalition of Families, Southern MD Community Network, Calvert County Behavioral Health, Center for Children.  All parnters at the table have influenced outcomes for the families of youth that we have reviewed by providing full transparency and honest dialouges about services that could best benefit the individualized youth based on their specific needs. This has helped streamline youth to appropriate agencies.  Additionally, following meetings the particular agencies that can best serve the family have reached out to follow up and offer the suggested services in an effort to make sure the families are proactive. 

What Works

Consistent attendance of the mandated representatives contributes to the spirit of collaboration within the team. Attendance ensures that cases receive a comprehensive review and that Subject Matter Experts are available to respond to families questions/concerns and committ resources at the table. Each mandated LCT member identified an alternerate to attend meetings in thier stead. The LCT Coordinator provided training for each alternative. By having an alternate for each mandated agency the LCT built the capacity to meet this performance measure. In addition to the 13 mandated members, the LCT includes other partner agenices, such as Parks and Recreation, In-home services providers, early childhood subject matter expert and several parent advocates.

Program Summary

The Local Care Team in Calvert County has been organized and run through the Core Services Agency for the past several years. With funding from the Children's Cabinet, the Local Management Board supports a full-time Local Care Team Coordinator to provide permanent staff support to the Team to ensure youth with intensive needs received comprehensive support services. The LCT Coordintor ensures a coordinated system for Local Care Team Case Referral and tracking, maintains a comprehensive resource database, collects data and ensures follow up services. 

Under Maryland Code (Human Services §8-407) a Local Care Team shall: 

1) be a forum for: 

    a) families of children with intensive needs to receive assistance with the identification of individual needs and potential resources to meet identified needs; and 

    b) interagency discussions and problem solving for individual child and family needs and systemic needs; 

2) refer children and families to: 

    a) care management entities when appropriate; and 

    b) available local and community resources; 

3) provide training and technical assistance to local agency and community partners; 

4) identify and share resource development needs and communicate with the care management entity, local core service agencies, provider networks, local management boards, and other local care teams in surrounding jurisdictions; and 

5) discuss a request for a voluntary placement agreement for a child with a developmental disability or a mental illness under § 5-525 of the Family Law Article. 

Data Discussion

The LCT Coordinator provides a survey to each family at the end of the meeting.  Many respondents refer to the team ase "useful" and "unique" with a willingness to recommend the LCT to other families in need of assistance. 

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