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Local Care Team Administration (Prince George's County) Annual


Story Behind the Curve

DSS was ready to do a VPA with this child and the parents and had located a placement for him, but the parents opted to use their personal health insurance to pay for this youth to attend Devereaux in Pennsylvania.  They opted not to go with Department of Social Services placement or Voluntary Placement Agreement.  Even though the parents came through the LCT to discuss placement, they finally decided to go another route.   


What Works

What We Do

Technical Assistance: In FY19 HFY1 the LCT provided techinical assistance to stakeholders and informing them about the purpose: what the LCT does and how often the LCT meets. Stakeholders were also informed about the composition: which agencies are represented within the LCT and why those specific agencies were chosen. Stakeholders were also informed about how cases were chosen to come before the LCT and what a typical LCT meeting looks like and how families can access the LCT.


Program Summary

Under Maryland Code (Human Services §8-407) a Local Care Team shall: 

1) be a forum for: 

    a) families of children with intensive needs to receive assistance with the identification of individual needs and potential resources to meet identified  needs; and 

    b) interagency discussions and problem solving for individual child and family needs and systemic needs; 

2) refer children and families to: 

    a) care management entities when appropriate; and 

    b) available local and community resources; 

3) provide training and technical assistance to local agency and community partners; 

4) identify and share resource development needs and communicate with the care management entity, local core service agencies, provider networks, local management boards, and other local care teams in surrounding jurisdictions; and 

5) discuss a request for a voluntary placement agreement for a child with a developmental disability or a mental illness under § 5-525 of the Family Law Article. 

Data Discussion

FY 21- ANNUAL - How Well Measures:

PM: Number of mandated Local Care Team representatives that attend at least 75% of Local Care Team meetings: The score card total shows 14  mandated members.  The accurate number is 7 mandated members.  The score card added the numeric data instead of averaging the numeric data. 

DEN: Number of all mandated LCT members: The score card total shows 18  mandated members.  The accurate number is 9 mandated members.  The score card added the numeric data instead of averaging the numeric data. 



In FY18  21 were seen by the LCT and all cases were linked toward community resources, this is a significant number because it shows that the LCT and its partnerships are able to serve the youth and families with resources that are readily available within the community.


Thus far in FY19 18 cases have been referred while 15 cases were heard which is promising since the fiscal year is not over.  The three cases that were not heard were due to parents/families withdrawing from the LCT refferal process due to different reasons such as: locating additional resources, or withdrawing the LCT application due to personal reasons. 

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy