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Local Care Team Administration (Talbot County) Annual



  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Maryland Coalition for Families
  • Mid Shore Behavioral Health Systems
  • Talbot County Department of Social Services
  • Talbot County Health Department
  • Talbot County Juvenile Services
  • Talbot County Public Schools
  • Wraparound Maryland

Program Summary

Under Maryland Code (Human Services §8-407) a Local Care Team shall: 

1) be a forum for: 

    a) families of children with intensive needs to receive assistance with the identification of individual needs and potential resources to meet identified needs; and 

    b) interagency discussions and problem solving for individual child and family needs and systemic needs; 

2) refer children and families to: 

    a) care management entities when appropriate; and 

    b) available local and community resources; 

3) provide training and technical assistance to local agency and community partners; 

4) identify and share resource development needs and communicate with the care management entity, local core service agencies, provider networks, local management boards, and other local care teams in surrounding jurisdictions; and 

5) discuss a request for a voluntary placement agreement for a child with a developmental disability or a mental illness under § 5-525 of the Family Law Article. 

Target Population

Talbot children, aged 0-21, and their families, with behavioral, physical or emotional challenges that impede on the child thriving in their home and community. Community agencies refer students to the LCC. Families may also request a meeting.

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