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Local Care Team Administration (St. Mary's County) Annual


Story Behind the Curve

The St. Mary's LCT was in operation prior to the restart in January of 2018.  The total cases only reflect the case heard from January to June of 2018.


Department of Juvenile Services, Department of Social Services, St. Mary's County Public Schools, Maryland Coalition of Families, Center for Children, Parents' Place of Maryland,Walden Behavioral Health, Department of Disability Services, Department of Rehabitative Services, Local Behavioral Health Authority, Department of Aging and Human Services, and St.  Mary's County LMB.

Action Plan

1. Actively recruit and LCT Coordinator.

2.  Outreach to the PTA and other parent orginzations about the LCT and its functions.

3.  Develop a Resource Directory and update the policy and procedures manual. 

Program Summary

Local Care Teams (LCTs) are intended to support families in accessing services and supports when there is no identified lead agency, or a family does not meet eligibility for a particular service.

Local Care Teams include representatives of the local/regional child- and family-serving agencies, such as the local Core Service Agency, the Local School System, Juvenile Services, Social Services, Developmental Disabilities, and addictions Services, as well as representatives of family members and youth.

Families may self-refer to the LCT. LCTs do not have funding, but serve as a place where families can get information from all of the agencies to see if there are possible community resources, services, or supports to help their child. It is an opportunity to have all of the agencies in one place and ask questions in a family-friendly environment.

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