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Nebraska SHIP - Population Health and Public Health System Indicators


This scorecard provides a comprehensive look at the health and system data indicators for the SHIP.

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Desired intermediate outcome measures consist of measures that are likely to be impacted by the implementation of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) but the impact may not be visible until after the implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation activities is somewhat limited. As a result, these measures will be monitored but not tracked as performance measures; however, these measures will likely be impacted before the long-term measures and will be more directly impacted by SHIP activities. These measures relate to health behaviors under 'Goal 1 Improve Health Outcomes' (e.g., cancer screenings, blood pressure screening, nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity) and public health system issues under 'Goal 2 Enhance the Public Health System in Nebraska' (e.g., success in meting public health essential service standards).

Breastfeeding: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding as the best feeding choice for infants. Breastfeeding provides ideal nutrition for the first six months of life and is recommended to continue for the second six months, then as long as mutually desired. Even a few weeks or months of breastfeeding benefit the baby. Some of the benefits of breastfeeding for infants may include a lower risk of food allergies, colic and asthma as well as reduced risk of SIDS.


See more under Nebraska SHIP Priorities 1 & 2 Scorecard for goals and activities related to breastfeeding and lactation support initiatives.


This scorecard is created to track performance, therefore the demonstration of data (numerical and narrative) describes what we define as success. In some instances, a trend may be moving in the wrong direction, but still may be within our 'Target for Success' area. The use of Color Arrows (and sometimes also Color Bands) help to define the Target for Success and Current Progress.

Green, Black and Red color arrows are used to reflect our 'Current Progress' status.

  • GREEN Arrow = We're getting better!
  • BLACK Arrow = We're maintaining our position.
  • RED Arrow = We're going in the wrong direction.

Green, Yellow or Red color bands are used to reflect our 'Target for Success' zones.

  • GREEN Color Band = We've reached our Target for Success!
  • YELLOW Color Band = We're making progress, but not quite there yet.
  • RED Color Band = We're below our Target for Success.

Data is described with the Time Period, Actual Value, Target Value, Current Trend and Baseline Change %. These mean:

  • Time Period - The most current time period for which the data were available.
  • Actual Value - The actual level of achievement, the most current data point for the indicator; also shown in a Color Band to reflect if that value is or is not within our Target for Success zone.
  • Target Value - The desired level of achievement for the data indicator.
  • Current Trend - The direction of progress is shown by a Color Arrow to reflect our Current Progress status, and also noting for how many data points the direction been occurring.
  • Baseline Change % - The percentage of change between the baseline data point and the current data point (actual value); also shown with a Color Arrow to describe Current Progress status
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Desired intermediate outcome measures consist of measures that are likely to be impacted by the implementation of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) but the impact may not be visible until after the implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation activities is somewhat limited. As a result, these measures will be monitored but not tracked as performance measures; however, these measures will likely be impacted before the long-term measures and will be more directly impacted by SHIP activities. These measures relate to health behaviors under 'Goal 1 Improve Health Outcomes' (e.g., cancer screenings, blood pressure screening, nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity) and public health system issues under 'Goal 2 Enhance the Public Health System in Nebraska' (e.g., success in meting public health essential service standards).

Screenings: Regular screening examinations by a healthcare professional can result in the detection and removal of precancerous growths, as well as the diagnosis of cancers, at an early stage when they are most treatable. Routine screenings for colorectal cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer as well as other basic healthcare preventive services are strongly recommended.


This scorecard is created to track performance, therefore the demonstration of data (numerical and narrative) describes what we define as success. In some instances, a trend may be moving in the wrong direction, but still may be within our 'Target for Success' area. The use of Color Arrows (and sometimes also Color Bands) help to define the Target for Success and Current Progress.

Green, Black and Red color arrows are used to reflect our 'Current Progress' status.

  • GREEN Arrow = We're getting better!
  • BLACK Arrow = We're maintaining our position.
  • RED Arrow = We're going in the wrong direction.

Green, Yellow or Red color bands are used to reflect our 'Target for Success' zones.

  • GREEN Color Band = We've reached our Target for Success!
  • YELLOW Color Band = We're making progress, but not quite there yet.
  • RED Color Band = We're below our Target for Success.

Data is described with the Time Period, Actual Value, Target Value, Current Trend and Baseline Change %. These mean:

  • Time Period - The most current time period for which the data were available.
  • Actual Value - The actual level of achievement, the most current data point for the indicator, also shown in a Color Band to reflect if that value is or is not within our Target for Success zone.
  • Target Value - The desired level of achievement for the data indicator.
  • Current Trend - The direction of progress is shown by a Color Arrow to reflect our Current Progress status, and also noting for how many data points the direction been occurring.
  • Baseline Change % - The percentage of change between the baseline data point and the current data point (actual value); also shown as a Color Arrow to describe Current Progress status
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

SHIP Long Term Outcome Measures:

Desired long-term outcome measures consist of measures that are likely to be impacted by the implementation of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP), but the impact may not be visible until well after the implementation period of the plan, and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation activities is limited. As a result, these measures will be monitored but not tracked as performance measures. These measures relate to mortality and morbidity (e.g. cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes)and are included under 'Goal 1: Improve Health Outcomes' only.

Cancer: Although declining gradually over the past decade, cancer overtook heart disease as the leading cause of death in 2009 and 2010 in Nebraska. In 2010, there were 3,437 cancer deaths in Nebraska - nearly one-fourth of all deaths occurring among Nebraska residents that year (22.7%). The state's age-adjusted cancer mortality rate has declined from 184 deaths per 100,000 population in 2001 to 167.4 in 2010.

Cardiovascular Disease: There were 3,344 deaths due to heart disease in Nebraska during 2010, accounting for 22.0 percent of all deaths among Nebraska residents. After many years as the leading cause of death in the state, heart disease now ranks second. Cerebrovscular disease (stroke) was the cause of 877 deaths in the state in 2010, or 5.8 percent of all deaths among Nebraska residents for the year.

Obesity: Two-thirds of adult Nebraskans (64.9%) were overweight or obese in 2010. The proportion of adults who are at risk due to obesity has risen considerably in recent years, increasing by nearly 7 percentage points between 2001 and 2010 for both Nebraska and the Nation. In 2010, 27.5 percent of Nebraska reported heights and weights that placed them in the "obese" category.


While there are many contributing factors to chronic disease, there are also many prevention and health promotion activities that reduce the chances or delay the onset. See Nebraska SHIP Priorities 1 & 2 for more information about key goals and objectives.


This scorecard is created to track performance, therefore the demonstration of data (numerical and narrative) describes what we define as success. In some instances, a trend may be moving in the wrong direction, but still may be within our 'Target for Success' area. The use of Color Arrows (and sometimes also Color Bands) help to define the Target for Success and Current Progress.

Green, Black and Red color arrows are used to reflect our 'Current Progress' status.

  • GREEN Arrow = We're getting better!
  • BLACK Arrow = We're maintaining our position.
  • RED Arrow = We're going in the wrong direction.

Green, Yellow or Red color bands are used to reflect our 'Target for Success' zones.

  • GREEN Color Band = We've reached our Target for Success!
  • YELLOW Color Band = We're making progress, but not quite there yet.
  • RED Color Band = We're below our Target for Success.

Data is described with the Time Period, Actual Value, Target Value, Current Trend and Baseline Change %. These mean:

  • Time Period - The most current time period for which the data were available.
  • Actual Value - The actual level of achievement, the most current data point for the indicator, also shown in a Color Band to reflect if that value is or is not within our Target for Success zone.
  • Target Value - The desired level of achievement for the data indicator.
  • Current Trend - The direction of progress is shown by a Color Arrow to reflect our Current Progress status, and also noting for how many data points the direction been occurring.
  • Baseline Change % - The percentage of change between the baseline data point and the current data point (actual value); also shown with a Color Arrow to describe Current Progress status
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Desired intermediate outcome measures consist of measures that are likely to be impacted by the implementation of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) but the impact may not be visible until after the implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation activities is somewhat limited. As a result, these measures will be monitored but not tracked as performance measures; however, these measures will likely be impacted before the long-term measures and will be more directly impacted by SHIP activities. These measures relate to health behaviors under 'Goal 1 Improve Health Outcomes' (e.g., cancer screenings, blood pressure screening, nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity) and public health system issues under 'Goal 2 Enhance the Public Health System in Nebraska' (e.g., success in meting public health essential service standards).

Tobacco Use: Tobacco use remains the single most preventable cause of disease and death in the United States today. An estimated 443,000 deaths resulted from cigarette smoking each year - about one-fifth of all deaths in this country. In addition, 8.6 million Americans have a serious illness caused by smoking. Secondhand smoke is responsible for an estimated 49,000 deaths among nonsmokers in the United States annually due to lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases and other causes.

In Nebraska each year, more than 2,200 adults die prematurely because of cigarette smoking. The economic costs of smoking are also substantial. Using 2004 Nebraska data, these costs were estimated using Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Morbidity and Economic Costs statistical software from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Smoking-related costs of medical care were estimated at $591 million annually in Nebraska, while the annual cost of smoking-related lost productivity in the state was estimated at an additional $500 million.


This scorecard is created to track performance, therefore the demonstration of data (numerical and narrative) describes what we define as success. In some instances, a trend may be moving in the wrong direction, but still may be within our 'Target for Success' area. The use of Color Arrows (and sometimes also Color Bands) help to define the Target for Success and Current Progress.

Green, Black and Red color arrows are used to reflect our 'Current Progress' status.

  • GREEN Arrow = We're getting better!
  • BLACK Arrow = We're maintaining our position.
  • RED Arrow = We're going in the wrong direction.

Green, Yellow or Red color bands are used to reflect our 'Target for Success' zones.

  • GREEN Color Band = We've reached our Target for Success!
  • YELLOW Color Band = We're making progress, but not quite there yet.
  • RED Color Band = We're below our Target for Success.

Data is described with the Time Period, Actual Value, Target Value, Current Trend and Baseline Change %. These mean:

  • Time Period - The most current time period for which the data were available.
  • Actual Value - The actual level of achievement, the most current data point of the indicator, also shown in a Color Band to reflect if that value is or is not within our Target for Success zone.
  • Target Value - The desired level of achievement for the data indicator.
  • Current Trend - The direction of progress is shown by a Color Arrow to reflect our Current Progress status, and also noting for how many data points the direction been occurring.
  • Baseline Change % - The percentage of change between the baseline data point and the current data point (actual value); also shown with a Color Arrow to describe Current Progress status
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Desired intermediate outcome measures consist of measures that are likely to be impacted by the implementation of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) but the impact may not be visible until after the implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation activities is somewhat limited. As a result, these measures will be monitored but not tracked as performance measures; however, these measures will likely be impacted before the long-term measures and will be more directly impacted by SHIP activities. These measures relate to health behaviors under 'Goal 1 Improve Health Outcomes' (e.g., cancer screenings, blood pressure screening, nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity) and public health system issues under 'Goal 2 Enhance the Public Health System in Nebraska' (e.g., success in meting public health essential service standards).

Physical Activity: Regular physical activity can help to control body weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. According to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines of Americans, adults aged 18-64 years should engage in muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days, plus 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous physical activity per week or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous activity.

In Nebraska, the proportion of adults participating in recommended amount of physical activity using the old pre-2008 guidelines (moderate activity for 30 or more minutes per day on five or more days per week or vigorous activity for 20 or more minutes on three or more days per week) increase substantially between 2001 (34.1%) and 2009 (51.1%), according to the Nebraska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. The pre-2008 guidelines were used in this report since the majority of years being reported fell under these guidelines. In 2009, prevalence of this level of physical activity was nearly identical in the U.S. (51.0%) and Nebraska.


This scorecard is created to track performance, therefore the demonstration of data (numerical and narrative) describes what we define as success. In some instances, a trend may be moving in the wrong direction, but still may be within our 'Target for Success' area. The use of Color Arrows (and sometimes also Color Bands) help to define the Target for Success and Current Progress.

Green, Black and Red color arrows are used to reflect our 'Current Progress' status.

  • GREEN Arrow = We're getting better!
  • BLACK Arrow = We're maintaining our position.
  • RED Arrow = We're going in the wrong direction.

Green, Yellow or Red color bands are used to reflect our 'Target for Success' zones.

  • GREEN Color Band = We've reached our Target for Success!
  • YELLOW Color Band = We're making progress, but not quite there yet.
  • RED Color Band = We're below our Target for Success.

Data is described with the Time Period, Actual Value, Target Value, Current Trend and Baseline Change %. These mean:

  • Time Period - The most current time period for which the data were available.
  • Actual Value - The actual level of achievement, the most current data point for the indicator, also shown in a Color Band to reflect if that value is or is not within our Target for Success zone.
  • Target Value - The desired level of achievement for the data indicator.
  • Current Trend - The direction of progress is shown by a Color Arrow to reflect our Current Progress status, and also noting for how many data points the direction been occurring.
  • Baseline Change % - The percentage of change between the baseline data point and the current data point (actual value); also shown with a Color Arrow to describe Current Progress status
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Desired intermediate outcome measures consist of measures that are likely to be impacted by the implementation of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) but the impact may not be visible until after the implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation activities is somewhat limited. As a result, these measures will be monitored but not tracked as performance measures; however, these measures will likely be impacted before the long-term measures and will be more directly impacted by SHIP activities. These measures relate to health behaviors under 'Goal 1 Improve Health Outcomes' (e.g., cancer screenings, blood pressure screening, nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity) and public health system issues under 'Goal 2 Enhance the Public Health System in Nebraska' (e.g., success in meting public health essential service standards).

Nutrition: In 2010, the U.S. Department of Agriculture issued new guidelines for healthy eating for Americans. These guidelines seek to promote health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and reduce prevalence of overweight and obesity through improved nutrition and physical activity. Since more than one-third of children and two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese, the new guidelines emphasize reducing calorie consumption and increasing physical activity.

Only about one-gift of Nebraska adults (20.9%) consumed fruits and vegetables five or more times per day in 2009, compared to 23.4 percent nationwide. Very little change in these rates has occurred during the last 10 years, with Nebraska consistently lower than the U.S.


This scorecard is created to track performance, therefore the demonstration of data (numerical and narrative) describes what we define as success. In some instances, a trend may be moving in the wrong direction, but still may be within our 'Target for Success' area. The use of Color Arrows (and sometimes also Color Bands) help to define the Target for Success and Current Progress.

Green, Black and Red color arrows are used to reflect our 'Current Progress' status.

  • GREEN Arrow = We're getting better!
  • BLACK Arrow = We're maintaining our position.
  • RED Arrow = We're going in the wrong direction.

Green, Yellow or Red color bands are used to reflect our 'Target for Success' zones.

  • GREEN Color Band = We've reached our Target for Success!
  • YELLOW Color Band = We're making progress, but not quite there yet.
  • RED Color Band = We're below our Target for Success.

Data is described with the Time Period, Actual Value, Target Value, Current Trend and Baseline Change %. These mean:

  • Time Period - The most current time period for which the data were available.
  • Actual Value - The actual level of achievement, the most current data point for the indicator, also shown in a Color Band to reflect if that value is or is not within our Target for Success zone.
  • Target Value - The desired level of achievement for the data indicator.
  • Current Trend - The direction of progress is shown by a Color Arrow to reflect our Current Progress status, and also noting for how many data points the direction been occurring.
  • Baseline Change % - The percentage of change between the baseline data point and the current data point (actual value); also shown with a Color Arrow to describe Current Progress status
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Desired intermediate outcome measures consist of measures that are likely to be impacted by the implementation of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) but the impact may not be visible until after the implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation period of the plan and the ability to link changes in these measures to SHIP implementation activities is somewhat limited. As a result, these measures will be monitored but not tracked as performance measures; however, these measures will likely be impacted before the long-term measures and will be more directly impacted by SHIP activities. These measures relate to health behaviors under 'Goal 1 Improve Health Outcomes' (e.g., cancer screenings, blood pressure screening, nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity) and public health system issues under 'Goal 2 Enhance the Public Health System in Nebraska' (e.g., success in meting public health essential service standards).


The State Public Health System Assessment is a collective stakeholder meeting that contributes to the development of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP). This event occurred in October 2011, and will be repeated in advance of the next SHIP in the fall of 2016.

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy