What We Do
A national character development initiative which utilizes the 6 pillars of character; includes weekly volunteer character coaching in schools, community capacity building, and social marketing of character development.
Story Behind the Curve
FY2016 Actuals for 7/01/2015 to 12/31/2015:
- We are on track to have 102 coaches placed by the end of February. There was a delay in the start of the program at the Centreville Middle School. The peer coaches will be trained on February 18, 2016.
- During the past six months there have been a total of 13 press releases; one cable coverage and eight community events participated in.
- The number of retentions appears to be consistent yearly taking into account the turnover of the eighth grade peer coaches each year.
- The effectiveness of the eighth grade coaches cannot be measured yet as the program is just being started in February at Centreville Middle School. Even though meeting with the school guidance counselor at Sudlersville Middle School over the summer, there has been some resistance from the adminstration for implementing the program there due to concerns about reducing the eighth grade coaches and fifth grade students' instruction time in the classroom. This will hopefully change in the future. During a meeting with the Matapeake Middle School principal and guidance counselor about the peer coaching the response was positive, but we have not been able to implement the program yet.
Who We Serve
School-age youth who are at risk of entering the juvenile justice system
How We Impact
Promising Practice/Model Program/EBP: Character Counts
Why Is This Important?
School Success impacts youth development, school completion, personal well-being and transition to the workforce.
What We Do
A national character development initiative which utilizes the 6 pillars of character; includes weekly volunteer character coaching in schools, community capacity building, and social marketing of character development.
Story Behind the Curve
FY2016 Actuals for 7/01/2015 to 12/31/2015:
- We are on track to have 102 coaches placed by the end of February. There was a delay in the start of the program at the Centreville Middle School. The peer coaches will be trained on February 18, 2016.
- During the past six months there have been a total of 13 press releases; one cable coverage and eight community events participated in.
- The number of retentions appears to be consistent yearly taking into account the turnover of the eighth grade peer coaches each year.
- The effectiveness of the eighth grade coaches cannot be measured yet as the program is just being started in February at Centreville Middle School. Even though meeting with the school guidance counselor at Sudlersville Middle School over the summer, there has been some resistance from the adminstration for implementing the program there due to concerns about reducing the eighth grade coaches and fifth grade students' instruction time in the classroom. This will hopefully change in the future. During a meeting with the Matapeake Middle School principal and guidance counselor about the peer coaching the response was positive, but we have not been able to implement the program yet.
Who We Serve
School-age youth who are at risk of entering the juvenile justice system
How We Impact
Promising Practice/Model Program/EBP: Character Counts
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