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Talbot County Results for Child Well-Being


This scorecard tracks the county-level results and indicators for Talbot County.

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Story Behind the Curve
Strategies to improve these indicators
Why Is This Important?
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Story Behind the Curve
Strategies to improve these indicators
Why Is This Important?

Substance Use, Mental Health and Obesity were ranked the most concerning by individuals that took the Needs Assessment Survey and the data supports these concerns. While we recognize that Substance Abuse and Obesity are "New Perspectives" and that Mental Health is a local indicator the Talbot Family Network Board believes that these are the issues that are impacting Talbot's Children and Families the most.

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Story Behind the Curve
Strategies to improve these indicators
Why Is This Important?
Data Discussion
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Story Behind the Curve
Strategies to improve these indicators
Why Is This Important?
Data Discussion
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Story Behind the Curve
Strategies to improve these indicators
Why Is This Important?

Bullying and Harassment was ranked by the individuals taking the Needs Assessment survey as a significant concern and that data supports this ranking. While recognizing that this indicator is in the result area of Education and is considered a "New Perspective", the Talbot Family Network Board believes that this is a community issue and begins in the home.

Data Discussion
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Story Behind the Curve
Strategies to improve these indicators
Why Is This Important?

In 2016 Talbot County had 12.4% or 430 Disconnected Youth according to Opportunity Nation. The TFN 2016 Community Assessment and Planning process consultants suggest an estimate of 9.5% or 324 Disconnected Youth in Talbot County might be more accurate based on their methodology. By any estimate, the data is significant and action is required to address the issues of Disconnected Youth in Talbot County.

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Story Behind the Curve
Strategies to improve these indicators
Why Is This Important?

Hunger was one of the leading indicators of concern during the initial Strategic Planning meeting. The Needs Assessment indicated that around 10% of Talbot Families are food insecure and that nearly 50% of Talbot County Public School children receive free or reduced cost meals.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy