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Nebraska 2017-2021 State Health Improvement Plan


This is the performance dashboard for the Nebraska 2017-2021 State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP). The SHIP utilizes a Collective Impact approach in working with partners to improve the health and quality of life for all individuals, families and communities across Nebraska.

There are 5 Priorities, chosen by stakeholders who collaboratively develop action plans and implement strategies to enhance the public health system in support of improved health outcomes. The SHIP is initiated and supported by five Co-Launch Partners:

  • Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
  • Nebraska Association of Local Health Directors
  • Nebraska Hospital Association
  • Public Health Association of Nebraska
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center - College of Public Health

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Nebraska’s health system is changing with an increased focus on improving patient and population health outcomes. It is recommended that the public health system, the primary care system and other health systems establish connections and interweave partnerships for a solid foundation of standards and practices for individual and population health.

Story Behind the Curve

The SHIP priority selection process during 2016 included brainstorming about what actions might be considered for each priority. Participants offered initial recommendations for action:

  • Efforts to consider might focus around developing a statewide framework for integration and potential supporting policy; establishing a collaborative research agenda between public health and primary care; supporting a database that tracks initiatives and developed models; providing education to primary care about the role of public health and mechanisms to integrate; and supporting linkages for sharing health data and Nebraska Health Information Initiative (NeHII) efforts.

In January and February of 2017, each Priority hosted kick off meetings in which stakeholders began to define success, discuss direction and choose goals. Full action plans are expected to be developed by late summer 2017.

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Nebraska’s public health system recognizes the need for improved interface with the behavioral health system to support efforts that address depression, suicide and stigma through primary prevention, education and integration. Supporting the public health workforce, increasing protective factors among youth, and collaborating between service delivery systems may strengthen our response toward desired outcomes.

Story Behind the Curve

The SHIP priority selection process during 2016 included brainstorming about what actions might be considered for each priority. Participants offered initial recommendations for action:

  • Efforts to consider might focus around universal screening practices; training for the public health and primary care workforce; environmental scan of the continuum of care; and advocacy for preventive approaches.

In January and February of 2017, each Priority hosted kick off meetings in which stakeholders began to define success, discuss direction and choose goals. Full action plans are expected to be developed by late summer 2017.

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Nebraska seeks a measurable reduction in obesity among its children, adults and minority populations; and a decrease of the associated chronic diseases and related healthcare costs. Developing a statewide coordinated approach for strategies at the program, systems, policy and environmental levels that promote a healthy lifestyle is desired.

Story Behind the Curve

The SHIP priority selection process during 2016 included brainstorming about what actions might be considered for each priority. Participants offered initial recommendations for action:

  • Efforts to consider might focus around environmental supports that increase access to and promote physical activity and nutrition; evidence-based strategies around obesity prevention; increased awareness of contributing factors and prevention; improved alignment of activities statewide; and breastfeeding initiatives.

In January and February of 2017, each Priority hosted kick off meetings in which stakeholders began to define success, discuss direction and choose goals. Full action plans are expected to be developed by late summer 2017.

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

In the effort to reach improved health outcomes among targeted underserved populations (low income, rural areas), addressing issues related to access and utilization of culturally responsive services is important.This priority is directed toward efforts that increase the utilization of preventive services, standardize data measures and coordinate with integration efforts particularly related to behavioral health, and reduce the inappropriate use of emergency care.

Story Behind the Curve

The SHIP priority selection process during 2016 included brainstorming about what actions might be considered for each priority. Participants offered initial recommendations for action:

  • Efforts to consider might focus around the integration of primary care and public health; tracking barriers to care; workforce capacity and utilizing community health workers; home based services and patient centered medical homes; and enhanced provider and system partnerships.

In January and February of 2017, each Priority hosted kick off meetings in which stakeholders began to define success, discuss direction and choose goals. Full action plans are expected to be developed by late summer 2017.

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
Current Trend
Why Is This Important?

Nebraska experiences inequities among its population and seeks program, policy, systems and environmental changes to address these issues.Changing the frame from disparity to equity and increasing the capacity of organizations to advance health equity is desired. The foundation of this work must include data collection, coordinated delivery models, diversified workforce and leadership.

Story Behind the Curve

The SHIP priority selection process during 2016 included brainstorming about what actions might be considered for each priority. Participants offered initial recommendations for action:

  • Efforts to consider might focus around addressing social determinants of health; improving the cultural competency and health literacy of the health workforce;improving the collection of data including standardized collection of demographics for comparison; and studying health outcome data by population characteristics (e.g. rural, ethnicity, race, age,and gender).

In January and February of 2017, each Priority hosted kick off meetings in which stakeholders began to define success, discuss direction and choose goals. Full action plans are expected to be developed by late summer 2017.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy