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NCCHW Statewide Approaches to Addressing Arthritis 2019-2023


This Scorecard reflects the North Carolina Center for Health and Wellness State Public Health Approaches to Addressing Arthritis Initiative, which is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

This Scorecard is a web-based platform for tracking and communicating the following:

RESULTS—the conditions of health and wellbeing we envision and are collectively working to achieve;

INDICATORS—the measures of population health and wellness we use to track our collective progress towards achieving our results. *These often focus on differences in conditions and outcomes among groups (disparities), so that improvements show achievement of greater equity.

STRATEGIES—the coherent collections of activities we take to achieve results; and

PERFORMANCE MEASURES—the Milestones or Target Measures of the quality and impact of our efforts, which answer the questions "how much" we did, "how well" we did it, and "is anyone better off?"


Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
Next Period Forecast Value
Why Is This Important?

Currently, 53.8% of NC adults are limited in some way because of Arthritis or joint symptoms. Adults with Arthritis are often less active than adults without Arthritis and struggle with disease‐specific barriers to being physically active, such as episodic pain and fear of exacerbating their condition (Callahan, Shreffler, Altpeter et al., 2011).  In addition, Arthritis limits physical activity and complicates management of other chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Systematically offering Arthritis-Appropriate Evidence-Based Interventions (AAEBIs), working with health care providers to counsel and refer patients to increased physical activity, promoting walking, and raising awareness about Arthritis can result in improved population health outcomes, self-efficacy, and cost-savings.

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
Next Period Forecast Value
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Target Value
Next Period Forecast Value

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy