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The Legacy Program (Cecil County FY20 and Beyond)


This scorecard holds all programs and performance measures for The Legacy Program in Cecil County FY20 and Beyond

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Action Plan

Legacy classes have been held virtually since the start of Covid. Classes began to occur in-person 1x a week beginning in September of 2023. In-person helps YES connect more with their clients, identify needs for clients/families, and have a better understanding of their academic skills. There have been challenges with bringing students in weekly due to added transportation and food costs, coordinating taxis, coordinating volunteer servers, managing student behaviors etc.

Program Summary
Target Population
Data Discussion

The Legacy Program engages opportunity youth in education advancement (GED) and workforce preparation, along with transitional life skills, conflict resolution classes, financial management and other relevant classes. Program participants meet 2x a week virtually and once a week in-person.


HFY1 2024
HFY1 2024
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Program Summary

The Legacy Program assists youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who have not graduated high school or graduated and are struggling to find and sustain employment. Program participants will be provided opportunities for GED assistance, Transitional Life Skills lessons, soft job skills, paid internships, and various additional supports to improve their future.

Target Population

The target population for this strategy is Cecil County youth between the ages of 16-24 who are not in school and not working and those youth of the same age who are still in school and at risk of disconnection. This target population is frequently cited as requiring interventions focused on life skills, employability, and reconnection to education. Cecil County Public Schools (CCPS) works closely with Youth Empowerment Source to identify youth who are at risk of disconnection.

Local Highlight

FY23: At the start of the year, Cecil County Public Schools assisted with the provision of hot spots for the clients. The YES team conducted recruitment activities and referrals and intakes continue to increase as the year moves forward. The team has supported Legacy clients with new shoes, Thanksgiving baskets, and Christmas gifts through Angel Tree. Client engagement in virtual classes has improved, but the program would still prefer to meet more frequently in person. Despite seeking additional funding, financial limitations prohibit the provision of transportation for more in-person meetings. Clients regularly struggle with unsupportive parents and mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression and mood disorders. Staff members continue to seek training for trauma-informed practices, including assessing the risk for suicide and self-harm. Staff members also recognize and support transgender clients with inclusive language and other supports.

Previously Used Measures

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy