Clay County Health Department
The 2021 Community Health Assessment priority areas are:
- Chronic Disease Control and Prevention
- Prevention and Management of Acute Respiratory Infections
- Prevention and Screening of Cancer
The following CHIP Scorecard was created and submitted September 2022 in order to meet the requirements for the Clay County Community Health Improvement Plan. Our Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is a strategic health improvement plan for our entire community. The CHIP includes how the health priorities will be addressed and how progress will be measured in short-term and long-term timeframes.
Clear Impact Scorecard is a strategy and performance management software that is accessible through a web browser and designed to support collaboration both inside and outside organizations. WNC Healthy Impact is using Clear Impact Scorecard to support the development of electronic CHIPs, SOTCH Reports, and Hospital Implementation Stategy scorecards in communities across the region.
Scorecard helps communities organize their community health improvement efforts:
- Develop and communicate shared vision
- Define clear measures of progress
- Share data internally or with partners
- Simplify the way you collect, monitor, and report data on your results.
The following resources were used/reviewed in order to complete the CHIP
- WNC Health Impact
- WNC Healthy Impact Data Workbook
- NC DHHS County Health Data Book
- NC DHHS/ DPH CHA Data Tools
Common Language Key
R Result- A population results (or outcome or goal) is a condition of well-being for children, adults, families, and communities in plain language.
I Indicator- A population indicator or benchmark is a measure that helps quantify the achievement of a result. Indicators answer the question,"How would we recognize this result if we fell over it?"
I Indicator from Healthy North Carolina 2030.
S Strategy- A strategy or program is a coherent set of actions that has a reasoned chance of improving results. Strategies are made up of our best thinking of what works, including policy, systems, and environmental changes and programs. Strategies operate at both the population and performance levels.
PM Performance Measure- A program or service performance measure or indicator is a measure of how well a program, agency, or service system is working.