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Policy & Engagement

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How We Impact
P&E Policy
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What We Do

The Community Mobilisation project is a grass roots peer advocacy project which recruits and trains volunteers from the affected communities to enable them to volunteer in advocacy campaigns and other activities.

Who We Serve

The project serves individuals in the affected communities by informing them and giving them knowledge and skills to manage the impact of viral hepatitis on their lives. It also serves the affected communities as a whole by providing grass roots community advocacy and the enabling the affected communities to be fully involved in advocating for changes which affect them.

How We Impact

We impact the affected community by providing a voice for people living with viral hepatitis and by advocating for policy changes and changes in attitude that are meaningful for people affected by viral hepatitis.

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What We Do

Hepatitis NSW develops and runs an average of two advocacy campaigns each year based on our advocacy agenda.

Previous advocacy campaigns have included:

Equal Treatment Access, a long running campaign during 2014/15 which achieved access to Direct Acting Antiviral hep C treatments without restriction based on treatment history, disease progression or substance use history.

    Hepatitis Matters, issues for the NSW state election (2015)

    Hep C Matters, submissions to the Parliamentary inquiry into Hepatitis C (2015)

    C the person not the disease, targeting stigma and discrimination(2013)

    Treat Us Well, fair access to drugs and medicine, specifically telaprevir and boceprevir (2012)

    Who We Serve

    Campaigns are designed to improve the lot of people in our affected communities including: people living with hepatitis C; current and former prisoners; people who inject drugs; young people at risk of hepatitis C; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people, people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

    How We Impact

    We campaign using C me Community Advocates to lead the campaign. They engage people from the wider community in their local area. We engage members of Hepatitis NSW through direct communication. We engage the wider community through electronic and social media.

    HY2 2017
    HY2 2017
    HY1 2017
    Time Period
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    What We Do

    Hepatitis NSW is a membership organisation. We provide a range of membership benefits applicable to people living with or affected by viral hepatitis, heath professionals and organisations including: Our flagship magazine Hep Review, our easy read publication Transmission, monthly hep C news and campaign updates in The Champion e-bulletin, workshops, training sessions, industry forums, positive speakers and unlimited copies of our printed resources.

    Who We Serve

    We encourage membership from people living with or affected by hepatitis B and C as well as health professionals in the hepatitis workforce and organisations who are involved in the prevention, management and treatment of people living with, at risk of, or affected by viral hepatitis. People living or affected by viral hepatitis in NSW are eligible for free membership.

    How We Impact

    Membership of Hepatitis NSW enables organisations and individuals to be a part of the only community organisation in NSW providing information, support and advocacy for people living with or affected by viral hepatitis in NSW. Our membership enables us to campaign with the authentic voice of people living with and affected by viral hepatitis behind us and to demonstrate our community support in funding applications. This is of particular importance as we enter the new era of competitive tendering.

    Aug 2017

    Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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