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Division Office: Performance Management Scorecard

HomeThe North Carolina Division of Public Health (NCDPH) works to protect the public's health across North Carolina and helps shape positive health outcomes for North Carolinians and the communities in which they live, learn, work, worship, and play.

The Division's programs and services, implemented in collaboration with local health departments and state, federal and private partners, touch the lives of every North Carolinian and visitor to the state 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Division Office Strategic Priority 1
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In a rapidly changing world, the public health sector faces new challenges and opportunities. Our workforce modernization effort for governmental public health is a strategic initiative aimed at equipping our teams with the tools, skills, and mindset needed to thrive. This program is founded on recognizing and addressing systemic barriers to the recruitment and retention of a highly qualified public health workforce.

We are empowering our workforce through targeted investments in pathway programs and training and development programs. By fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning, we're ensuring that our teams stay ahead of the curve, delivering effective and efficient public health services to our communities.

Performance Objective

NC DPH seeks to implement a Workforce Modernization Work Plan that will modernize DPH workforce roles, increase the number of positions across the Division that are budgeted at or above the budget median, and decrease DPH's average time it takes to hire for positions.

Current Performance Goals

Goal 1: Recruit and hire a Director of Workforce Modernization by December 2024

Goal 2: Have the Director of Workforce Modernization develop a Workforce Modernization Work Plan for NC DPH and have it approved by the Division Director by June 30th 2025

Time Period
Current Actual Value
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Baseline % Change

DPH’s DEI Council works to integrate best practices for diversity, equity, and inclusion into agency policies and programs.

DPH’s Town Halls are held quarterly to provide division-wide updates.

Performance Objective

Strengthen section engagement with the DEI Council.

Foster transparent and two-way communication between DPH leadership and staff.

Current Performance Goals

Goal 1: Increase sections participating in the DEI council.

Goal 2: Increase transparency and two-way communication between DPH leadership and staff by hosting 1 town hall per quarter each year.  

SFY4 2024
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Performance Objective

Promote awareness of careers at DPH.

Drive people to apply for open positions at DPH; see an increasing trend (i.e. our ads are driving people to click on links and apply for jobs; this relates to closing the vacancy rate).

Current Performance Goals

Goal 1: Increase the number of people accessing job postings within DPH.

Time Period
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Baseline % Change

As part of Workforce Pipeline Initiatives, NC DPH Division Office does the following activites:

1) Pipeline Student Outreach

DPH’s pipeline student outreach provides opportunities for students to learn about careers within DPH and gain a broader understanding governmental public health careers. 

2) NC DPH Internship Program: 

The HBCUs/MSIs Internship program gives interns the opportunity to learn more about what public health professionals, public administrators, social workers and policymakers do in NCDHHS. 

The internships also provide a series of development opportunities that may include resume writing, group dynamics, and communication skills, among other activities. NCDHHS will pair interns with staff who are graduates of HBCUs and MSIs, to allow students to be supported and mentored by HBCU/MSI graduates.

Twenty-four internship positions require specific skills, such as two years of laboratory, journalism or communications experience, among other requirements. The remaining 26 positions have broader requirements, such as the ability to engage and interact with internal and external partners; compile, assimilate and organize printed and electronic information; knowledge of data collection, organization to create reports, charts and other materials; the ability to present ideas clearly and effectively in written and verbal formats, as well as other requirements.

3) Fellowship Program:

The Division of Public Health (DPH) invites recent graduates and new professionals to apply for the DPH Fellowship Program. This opportunity is for those who are interested in working in public health for state government and may not meet the required experience level to qualify for state positions. DPH has over 1,100 positions statewide necessitating a variety of expertise and skill sets.  The North Carolina Public Health Fellowship program is a holistic endeavor committed to enriching the strategic skills and foundational knowledge of early-career public health professionals by connecting their daily responsibilities with the broader public health context.

Fellows will participate in a learning cohort with monthly targeted professional development opportunities focused on specific learning objectives and competencies that collectively contribute to Foundational Capabilities. In addition to  opportunities for professional development and access to networking events, fellows will also be able to attend two North Carolina based conferences.

Performance Objective

1) Pipeline Student Outreach:

  • Provide opportunities for students to learn about careers within DPH.
  • Expand the pipeline of potential future DPH employees. 

2) NC DPH Internship Program:

  • Encourage college students to seek careers in public health and government.
  • Allow more equitable opportunities for internship access within NCDHHS, which supports building a strong and inclusive workforce, one of the three NCDHHS strategic priorities.

3) Fellowship Program

  • Provide opportunities for recent graduates and new professionals interested in working in public health for state government that may not meet the required experience level to qualify for state positions to gain experience and receive professional support.
Current Performance Goals

1) Pipeline Student Outreach:

  • Goal 1: Increase the number of students engaged with DPH to showcase career opportunities. (Continuously ongoing)

2) NC DPH Internship Program

  • Goal 1: Sustain and grow Intern Programs to build the pipeline for public health workers

3) Fellowship Program

  • Goal 1: Sustain and grow Fellowship Programs to build the pipeline for public health workers. 1-2 year program
SFY4 2024
Division Office Strategic Priority 2
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Current Actual Value
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Baseline % Change

The training and workforce development program seeks to hone the skills needed for staff to excel in their roles and to create a culture of learning throughout the agency. We seek to provide opportunities outside of daily work duties so staff can grow professionally and personally and be better equipped to drive their own success. Through added support for professional development, the program will promote workforce retention, performance, and thus a healthier North Carolina.

Performance Objective

Expand opportunities for staff to participate in professional development who normally would not have funding to do so through dedicated funding.

Current Performance Goals

Goal 1: By December 31, 2024, sponsor at least 30 staff to participate in professional development opportunities. 

Goal 2: Implement a management training program.

Division Office Strategic Priority 3
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Time Period
Current Actual Value
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The North Carolina State Health Improvement Plan (NC SHIP) operationalizes the priorities identified in the 2019 State Health Assessment and Healthy North Carolina 2030 (HNC 2030).

The NC SHIP Community Council is comprised of partners across government, nonprofit and faith-based organizations, business, community members, philanthropy, and academia. The Community Council prioritizes and takes action on policies and programs to impact the HNC 2030 indicators.

Performance Objective

Convene Community Council work groups to proactively advance the priorities in the NC SHIP.

Engage community members in actively designing the Community Council to promote ownership.

Current Performance Goals

Goal 1: By June 30, 2024, hold at least 80 work group meetings to advance the priorities in the NC SHIP.

Goal 2: By June 30, 2024, hold at least 10 opportunities for members of the Community Council to provide input on the approach for the NC SHIP.

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Baseline % Change

This program area focuses on the relationship the Division has with its largest partner, Local Health Departments. LHDs are responsible for the majority of program implementation and receive the largest proportion of subrecipient funding the Division allocates. Effective, efficient and collaborative partnerships with LHDs support the mission and goals of the Division.

Performance Objective

Increase and strengthen the Division leadership engagement with Local Health Department leadership. Focus on growing the relationship will support the entire NC governmental public health system, opening paths for collaboration and innovation.

Current Performance Goals

Goal 1: By December 2024, each NCALHD workgroup will have DPH leadership representation attending and participating in monthly meetings.

Goal 2: By December 2024, DPH leadership will participate in at least 4 of the 5 NCALHD workgroups each month.

Goal 3: By December 2024, at least three (3) DPH AAs will have been reviewed by the "Deep Dive" process. 

Goal 4: By December 2024, local health department representation will be at least 50% of the membership of the AA QI Advisory Council.


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