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Clear Impact - Compyle Product Roadmap - 2024 & 2025

Compyle Roadmap 2024 & 2025

Mountain hiker with flag on a different peak than the goal



Roadmaps are fluid documents that evolve frequently to adapt to changing conditions. The further out we are in time from a product destination, the more likely our path will diverge before we get there. This flexibility allows for new adventures and organic growth.




Compyle: Smarter Forms & Better Management: Form Logic & Form Management Interface

Form Logic allows you to make responsive forms that change as users enter information. This lets you ask questions when--and only when--they are needed, so you can streamline data collection and ensure crucial info is captured.  A simplified form management interface makes it easier to focus on the form changes you need to make, review or revise form settings, and communicate with constituents. 


  • Form Logic for Notes & Survey Forms: If-Then rules that can be copied alone or when copying surveys. 
  • Form Management Folder: UI update for Survey Forms & Note Type Forms
  • Communication Tools: QR Code generator, share menu, User submission confirmation email, unsaved data entry warning
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion feature: Scorecard Feeds to Variable Measures 

Release Date: Feb. 6, 2024


Compyle: Software Spring Cleaning: Backend Maintenance

This release is focused on annual behind the scenes maintenance for Compyle, which includes updating integrated tools, upgrading component libraries, and refining database queries for greater efficiency. Basically, we're making sure Compyle is working well and is in the best position to support all of the new features and functionality we plan to add this year. Users will also benefit from a reduction in errors and response times, which will improve the user experience  while ensuring security compliance. 

Release Date: April 17, 2024


Compyle: Divide & Conquer: Dedicated Reporting Server & Additional Spring Cleaning

The number of organizations who rely on Compyle is growing at a steady pace, and this is expected to continue to increase. To support this growth, development efforts will focus on improving Compyle's performance from a number of different angles. For instance, we can improve performance (speed) for users if we direct read-only queries to a reporting server. This reduces the competition for server resources and allows records to save in the database faster as data updates do not have to wait for long running report queries. 

Optimization Efforts

  • Greater Efficiency - Refine & Update: Queries, Components, and Tools

  • Performance - Resource Expansion: Dedicated Reporting Server

While much of the optimization efforts occurred behind the scenes, there are feature enhancements for data collection navigation, segmenting data in analytics, viewer user experience, using the Anonymous Response feature, and various assorted bug fixes.  

Release Date: May 29, 2024


Compyle: August Upgrade: Refining While Working on Reporting

These refinements are what we could fit in while working on a larger project: expanding the reporting tools in Compyle. That project has taken a few different direction while we sought the best path. After a mid-August reset & refocus, we are on track with a sustainable solution that we hope to release in early fall. 

  • Notes tab updates: Note categories phase I: Notes tab sections & save note changes 
  • Form Logic expansion: Demographic filtering capabilities for rules
  • Compylations enhancements: filtering by file, url, and email fields; segment by file field
  • Time Spent field usability: Field saves as decimal number and works with mathematic summary options in calculations
  • Support Menu modernization: clearer options and cleaner user interface

Released August 26, 2024


Compyle: Amplify Reporting: Integrated Report Builder

Currently, Compyle aggregates data for Compyle-to-Scorecard feeds and allows for some disaggregation of summary data, but organizations need to know more than just numbers. By expanding the reporting tools in Compyle to generate a variety of reports with different levels of information, including identifying information, we can make Compyle a more valuable tool for supporting program delivery and organizational optimization.  


  • Ability to run “list” type reports with identifier data, such as participant names and organization addresses
  • Ability to filter by survey or note data for fields other than the summarized field
  • Ability to see summary data per participant beyond the outcomes tab in the folder
  • Ability to generate a greater variety of graphs and charts to summarize data

Work began in June 2024. After a mid-August reset, report tool integration is in progress along with building out a set of standard reports. The reporting tools were released for Clear Impact staff in Sept. 2024, and reports are being built out prior to release to customers.


Compyle: Augmented Access: Improved Screen Reader Accessibility & CI Suite User Authentication Upgrade

Scorecard and Compyle together are updating our user authentication software to Amazon Cognito, which will give us access to enhanced security tools and provide a framework for advanced security features in the future. This proactive shift will extend our already robust security measures and set the stage for future refinements.

While this joint effort is our primary focus in October 2024, Compyle is also becoming more user friendly for users working with screen readers, which involves about fifty minor changes. Most are behind the scenes, but you may notice new labels for previously unnamed columns and improved navigation when tabbing through forms.

  • Accessibility - improved labeling for screen reader access
  • Accessibility - enhanced tabbing functionality - for navigation without a mouse

Released November 13, 2024


Compyle: Amplified Import & Outcomes Expansion Release

The December release focused on making it easier to manage the information in your Compyle site and gain insights about your service recipients on an individual level. You will be able to easily edit all of your participants and organizations through the import tool's new record update feature.  Additionally, more staff will be able to monitor progress of those participants on specific data points as the Outcomes tab is being made available to more users than just administrators.

  •  Data Import Expansion: ability to update participants by import, assign groups, and import survey/note responses.
  • Amplified Outcomes: creator role access added, notes or surveys can be used fully, outcome fields protected.

Released December 18, 2024



Compyle: Additional Import Improvements and Export Enhancements

This release includes some related features that were nearly ready when we rolled out the Amplified Imports release in December. There are import and export improvements to make it easier to gather the information to update records through the import tool, determine which records were updated, and make sure imported data is formatted correctly. 

  • Export: format options for update by import
  • Import: History tab entries, remedies, and additional data validation

Released January 8, 2025


Compyle: Export Filters & More Release

This upgrade is focused on readily retrieving the information you need and more easily updating records. Continuing our theme of data management, there are search filter improvements, import refinements, and export enhancements.

  • Apply Search Filters to Exports: filter by standard fields, custom fields, group assignment, group fields, 
  • Date Filtering for Exports: filter by thirty day, year-to-date, custom date range
  • Standard Notes Export: complements Custom Notes Export
  • Compyle Record ID Search Filter: aligns with Update by Import using Compyle Record ID
  • Update by Import Simplified: fewer fields required, reduce chance for data entry mishaps

Released February 3, 2025


Compyle: Family Time: Households & Linking

Many nonprofit and government organizations serve families or households rather than individuals. Being able to capture, modify, and report on these relationships is important for service delivery, performance measurement, and fulfilling grant reporting obligations. By adding a Household form to Compyle and adding the capacity to link participants to households, Compyle will become an even more valuable resource for social sector organizations.


  • Linking: connect participants to other participants as households
  • Household record: household will be searchable and maybe connected to surveys/notes



Mountain sunset with quote by Henry Ford: "Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."

Compyle: Better Together: CI Suite User Interface Convergence

Our integrated product family should present a clean, consistent, and welcoming layout while still providing a strong sense of place. By transitioning to a similar, familiar User Interface (fonts, sizes, colors) and User Experience (navigation, menu styles) across our products it will make it easier for users who work in multiple suite applications to feel at home. Additionally, this release will include improvements based on our recent Voluntary Product Accessibility Testing (VPAT) for ADA Compliance report completed in summer 2024.

  • Accessibility - higher contrast color changes - for low vision & partially sighted users
  • Accessibility - better experience when at 200% & 400% zoom - for low vision & partially sighted users
  • Interface - refine menu colors, page headers, and title text - for alignment with Scorecard & usability
  • Usability - user alerts within Compyle similar to Scorecard
  • Data Flow Dashboard - display Scorecard measure to Compyle form field mapping


Compyle: Note Categories 

As a precursor to more nuanced permissions, Compyle will add categories for custom note type forms. The categories will be similar to data collections for survey forms and will help organize note records in the participant folder. Categories will also add clarity to the Create Note menu, which will better support organizations that provide a variety of programs and services. 

 Proposed Features

  • Note Type Categories: divide custom note type forms into sets for easier use and management
  • Notes tab: Category sections: separate sections to list the note records for easier review
  • Notes tab: Create Note menu Categories submenu: users will select a category & then a note form
  • Note Type Copy - Save as Survey: Copy Note will allow the copy to be made into a survey form.
  • Survey Copy - Save as Note: Copy Survey will allow the copy to be made into a note type form.
  • Daily Survey to Note Conversion: Allow daily surveys to become note type forms
  • Note Type to Daily Survey Conversion: Allow note type surveys to become daily survey forms.



Compyle: Greater Permissions Precision

Complex organizations with many staff and programs need more nuanced permissions than what we currently offer, which allows access to all participants or to all records for select participants based on group. Compyle needs the capacity to allow access to only some records for specific clients or to only some records for all clients.  These additional levels of access will be handled by assigning access to specific data collections (sets of survey forms) and note form categories as well as participant groups. Administrators will be better able to manage access in Compyle to sensitive information across groups, programs, and roles.

Proposed Features

  • Form Category Access: assign access to data collections and note categories as well as groups to restrict access to types of forms
  • Category Access - Form Edits: Restrict editing forms  in data collections and note categories
  • Category Access - Records: Limit access to specific data collection survey responses and note category records 
  • Category Access - Analytics: Limit compylation sources based on assigned form categories
  • Category Access - Exports: Limit exports to specific data collection survey responses and note records



Beyond June 2025


Compyle: Better Data Transfer Options – Data Import Expansion, Customer Facing API, Form Template Library, and File Storage Enhancements

Ease onboarding & expansion efforts for customers: Provide value to customers during the onboarding process and as they add more partners/programs/services in the future by making it easier to add and retrieve information from Compyle in batches and with automation. Make best practices form samples available to help new and existing customers with their data collection processes. Improve the organization of customer information at the server level.


Compyle AI Assist: suggest form design and analyze survey form results

Customer API: retrieve data for reporting, add or update data

Data Import Expansion: ability to import survey/note form instances and survey/note responses.

Form Template Library: similar to Scorecard Template Library but for Survey Forms and Note Forms in Compyle

File Storage Restructure: improved organization and segmentation of attached files from the documents tab and forms




Compyle: Assisted Intelligence: Workflow Logic & Automation

Administrators will be able to develop branching logic workflows to automatically enroll participants in groups, assign surveys to them, create tasks, and schedule in-product alerts for users when forms are created or updated.  

  • AI Assist: Survey Design tool: Recommend how to collect information for specific performance measures
  • Form sequences/workflows: set order and expected deadlines
  • *Maybe* Link Groups to survey form data collections & note categories for easier management 
  • Field Locking:ability for administrators to lock editing of specific form fields in Participants fields, Organization fields, Anonymous fields, and Household fields
  • Field Restrictions: allow administrators to hide specific form fields from users but not administrators in Participants fields, Organization fields, Anonymous fields, and Household fields


Thank you for your continued partnership! If you have feature suggestions, please send them to

-- The Clear Impact Product Team

Triumphant mountain hikers at sunset



Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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