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Otara Health Charitable Trust Strategic & Business Plan 2018 - 2022


Our Vision

Otara Together Vibrant and Strong

Our Mission

·         Build a strong family-focused community

·         Improve the health and well-being of Otara 

·         Represent and serve Otara

Our Pou

·         Whānau Mātauranga - Family Education

·         Papakāinga - Neighbourhood and Community Services

·         Hapori Whānui - Community Systems

Our Values

‘O le ala i le pule o le tautua’
Leadership Through Service

·         Empowering others

·         Integrity

·         Collaboration

·         Innovation and excellence

·         Manaakitanga

Our Guiding Principles       

·         Have community work at all levels

·         Have a capable workforce that represents the ethnicities and languages of the community

·         Work collaboratively and in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders

·         Develop   services in response to community need and be responsive to community feedback

·         Have transparent and accountable business and financial practice

Our Priorities

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Next Period Forecast Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Why Is This Important?

A healthy and well community is one that supports healthy eating and appropriate exercise. It enjoys a strong family focus that values children and supports parents in their role. The conditions listed further below demonstrate a healthy and well community. In comparison Otara is struggling and not doing very well with many of these.

Hospital stays are reduced

Children are at school

Less people on the sickness benefit

People are playing more sport or are more active

Obesity is low

Domestic violence is low

Healthy food choices are readily available and affordable

Public transport is well utilised

Housing is healthy accessible and affordable

Children are safe to walk to and from school, sport or other activities

Schools are well supported and education and learning is valued

Families have sufficient income to participate in social activities, eat healthy, and take care of themselves

Families have sufficient time to participate in social activities together

The elderly are thriving and supported by more able members (youth) of the community

Youth crime is low

Time Period
Current Actual Value
Next Period Forecast Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Who We Serve

Otara Health programme users and those referred to us.

What We Do

We work to ensure our programmes are targeted towards the health and wellbeing of families.

  • 1.1 Communities will be included in the decision making of programme development to ensure our services meet community needs.
  • 1.2 Existing programmes will be reviewed to ensure they align to the new direction of families at the centre of our work
  • 1.3 The organisation will continue to remain outcome-focused, therefore every programme, current and new, is developed to improve outcomes for family
  • 1.4 Staff will monitor and evaluate programme effectiveness so the organisation can produce evidence to show how our services affect positive change for families
  • 1.5 We value the community voice so programme participants will contribute to the evaluation process, and the common feedback themes incorporated into future decision-making
  • 1.6 As health and social support systems become increasingly complicated we will help families get the best results from these services
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Next Period Forecast Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Who We Serve

Unsafe and or unhealthy neighbourhoods and individuals seeking support.

What We Do

We work to implement a neighbourhood development strategy building on existing initiatives and partnering with relevant community development and safety services so our efforts to influence safe, healthy, strong and interconnected communities is maximised.

  • 2.1 We will measure the effectiveness of outcomes of our current neighbourhood safety programmes
  • 2.2 We will develop and implement a neighbourhood development strategy with the primary focus on creating healthier, safer, stronger, healthier and more interconnected communities. We will work with community and appropriate partners to co-design our approach
  • 2.3 We will identify local and regional strategies that address community health and safety, community development and community connectedness, and where aligned with community needs, we will engage the lead providers to partner with Otara communities
  • 2.4 We will prioritise our focus to where there is the most need and where organisations can create the greatest benefit and change for families.
HY1 2018
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Next Period Forecast Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Who We Serve

Families currently enrolled and referred, who are concerned about their environments.

What We Do

We work to apply an environmental focus that is about providing healthy sustainable communities for Otara families.

  • 3.1 The organisation will identify the priority issues and concerns communities have about the areas, in which they live, learn, work and play
  • 3.2 We will facilitate, advocate and or deliver initiatives that improve healthy sustainable housing for Otara families
  • 3.3 We will understand local government development strategies, and where applicable ensure a co-ordinated approach for community participation in future decision making
  • 3.4 We will connect with, link up and join organisations developing improved healthy sustainable environmental solutions for Otara, including a revitalised Town Centre
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Next Period Forecast Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Who We Serve

Otarians seeking employment and business opportunities.

What We Do

We work to encourage and participate with communities in social enterprise and innovative solutions that create economic benefits for Otara families.

  • 4.1 We will identify social enterprise and economic innovation opportunities for Otara
  • 4.2 We will facilitate/assist communities to develop and lead initiatives that create economic benefits for Otara families
  • 4.3 We will co-ordinate community access to appropriate learning resources and expertise that supports individual and family growth, social enterprise and economic innovation
  • 4.4 We will engage youth and their families in enterprises that create sustainable employment, pathways to education and training, and/or technical skills
Time Period
Current Actual Value
Next Period Forecast Value
Current Trend
Baseline % Change
Who We Serve

The Otara Health Charitable Trust Board and Employees

What We Do

Otara Health's new direction focuses on improving outcomes for families. We aim to ensure appropriate capability, infrastructure and policies are in place to support a collective impact approach to address social change and partnering with communities to inform service design.

  • 5.1 We will grow and develop our people
  • 5.2 We will deliver quality services
  • 5.3 We will make an actual difference - create traction and measure outcomes
  • 5.4 We will strengthen our ability to gather insights and evidence
  • 5.5 We will improve communication so we can help to tell the community's and Otara Health's compelling success stories
  • 5.6 We will implement a financial and business sustainability plan
  • 5.7 We will implement a culture of continuous improvement
  • 5.8 We will strengthen business and technology processes
Feb 2019
Q3 2018

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