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All people have the resources accessible in Mitchell County that they need to live a healthy, happy, productive life.


Experience and Importance

If we are successful in fully achieving this result, we envision Mitchell County where….

  • All people are happy and healthy.
  • People are thriving in a healthy environment all day long.
  • People have access to services, for themselves and family members.

Why is this important?

  • Although the rate has decreased over time, a higher percentage of Mitchell County residents were dispensed opioids compared to NC and WNC.
  • 54% of survey respondents had been negatively affected by substance abuse.
  • The Mitchell County unintentional poisoning mortality rate was higher compared to NC and WNC in 2014-2018.
  • 20% of survey respondents reported 7+ days of poor mental health in the past month, a higher proportion compared to previous surveys.
  • The county suicide mortality rate is 81% higher than NC and rose 8% since 2012-2016.
  • The DV shelter in Mitchell County served 293 clients in FY19-20 and the shelter was full on 26 days out of the year.

Good mental health is more than just the absence of individual mental illness or distress.  The social, environmental, systemic, and economic factors of the community we live in and interact with significantly contribute to mental well-being and resilience.  Evidence also provides a strong cause and effect relationship between mental health and physical health, and the relationship between mental health and community factors goes beyond individuals. When a community fosters good mental health, it is rewarded with healthy youth, families, schools, workforce, and economy.


Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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