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People in Duplin County are mentally and physically healthy

Why Is This Important?

The Duplin County Community Health Assessment survey found the top 3 rated quality of life issues identified were low-income/poverty, drugs and alcohol, and lack of community resources. 16.36 percent or 193 survey respondents identified drug and alcohol (substance abuse) as a life issue. In Duplin County, an estimated 21 percent of the population lives below the poverty level. Mental health is not always treated like physical illness in relation to availability, cost, insurance coverage, and community resources. A person’s metal health can affect their physical health, and should be treated just like every other medical problem.  The number of physicians per 10,000 population in Duplin County has decreased from 6.52 physicians in 2000, to 6.03 in 2019 and remains below the state rate of 24.3 physicians per 10,000 population.  This being said, there are not enough health care professionals for community members to reach out to when they are​ experiencing problems related to their mental health. With their being an insufficient amount of health care professionals in Duplin County, programs are going to have be established within the community to provide help or provide resources to those who need them.

Unintentional poisonings are rated as the third leading cause of injury death and of injury hospitalization in Duplin County. The Duplin County Health Department is going to address mental health and unintentional overdoses by administering Naloxone Kits, increase the number of medication drop box locations in the county, and increase the utilization of Telepsychiatry services.  

Alignment With Healthy North Carolina 2030

Drug Overdose Deaths

Suicide Rates

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