A post-overdose response team (PORT), also referred to as a Quick Response Team (QRT) or a Rapid Response Team (RRT), is an overdose follow-up program that allows agencies to visit a person who experienced an overdose within 0-72 hours of the incident. PORTs provide support, education, and access to evidence-based treatment such as medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and other life-saving resources. This was a new program in Alexander County starting in October of 2023. Funding comes from the Opioid Settlement Funding. The program is housed in Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
We serve all people in Alexander County in need of support for substance use.
Under Alexander County EMS, the PORT team will provide follow-up care for overdose patients, early intervention for middle and high schools students, and transportation for persons in recovery to access medical resources. The PORT program will include community paramedics, vehicles, uniforms, equipment, and office supplies.
Progress in 2024
Progress in 2025
% Change