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All people in Montgomery County live in healthy, equitable communities that offer complete social, physical and mental well-being to all its residents at all stages of life.

Why Is This Important?

One of the chosen priorities to be addressed during the following three years is Minority Health Equity.  This issue was chosen as a priority in part because of the statistical data collected during the CHA process.  Another factor in choosing this as a priority was the input and insight from a group of Key Informants that due to their professional positions and involvement with minorities in the County are aware of factors that cause or perpetuate inequities.  Following are the primary factors influencing the choosing of this issue as a priority:

  • The high percentage of minority deaths in several Leading Causes of Death compared to the percentage of minority population percentages.
  • The high percentage of incident rate for minorities in some diseases and health conditions compared to the percentage of minority population percentages.
  • Cultural norms that hamper access to and use of health care, as shared by Key Informants.
  • They are related to (affects/causes or is impacted by) several of the Health NC 2030 Health Indicators and the Desired Results:
    • Improve child well-being
    • Reduce overweight and obesity
    • Improve birth outcomes
    • Decrease infant mortality
    • Increase life expectancy 

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