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Narcan Training

What Is It?

Narcan training was identified as an action, that when combined with other actions in our community, that has a reasonable chance of making a difference in overdose deaths within our community. This is a new program in our community.

Providing narcan trainings and providing the community with narcan will make it a safer enviorment for those who may be battling addiction or have loved ones that are battling addiction. Knowing how to use narcan correctly can save an indivduals life in many differnet aspects and enviorments no matter where the indivdual may be. 

Partnership is the genreral public, and the partnership aims to make a difference at the individual/interpersonal behavior level. Implementation will take place in the McDowell county communities. 

Progress in 2022

Progres made in 2022 was limited due to the avavilibty of Narcan to be used in trainings. In 2023 the data will be collected while conducting trainings that may not include the physcal Narcan. 

Progress in 2023

Progress in 2023 included training all health department clinical staff and McDowell County Public Schools nurses in the proper use of Narcan. All who participated in the training felt more confident in the use of Narcan. 

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