Why Is This Important?
Federal poverty thresholds are set every year by the Census Bureau and vary by size of family and ages of family members. A high poverty rate is both a cause and a consequence of poor economic conditions. Children in poverty are more likely to have physical health problems, behavioral problems and emotional problems. Seniors who live in poverty are an especially vulnerable group due to increased physical limitations, medical needs, and social isolation. Persons with a disability are more likely to live in poverty compared to the rest of the population. Without adequate income, individuals with disabilities may not be able to afford necessary expenses, such as rent or mortgage, utility bills, medical and dental care, and food. In Duplin County an estimated 21.0% of the population lives below the poverty level, compared to 15.0% of the population in NC and 17.5% for the Health ENC Region. The percent of children living below the poverty level is much higher (34.0%) for Duplin County compared with N.C. (21.0%) and Health ENC Counties (25.5%). The rate of older adults age 65+ years living in poverty is 1.3% higher in Duplin County when compared with NC, and 0.1% higher than the Health ENC County Region. The percent of disabled people living in poverty in Duplin County (23.0%) is higher than N.C rate. (20%).
Medical costs in the United States are very high. People without health insurance may not be able to afford medical treatment or prescription drugs. They are also less likely to get routine checkups and screenings, so if they do become ill they may not seek treatment until the condition is more advanced, and therefore more difficult and costlier to treat. Nearly 20% of the population 0-64 years of age in Duplin County are uninsured. The rate of individuals aged 0-64 years old that have health insurance coverage in Duplin County is 79.3%, which is lower than the rate for North Carolina (87.3%) and the Health ENC region (87.0%).
21% of the population in Duplin County is living below the federal poverty level and nearly 20% of the population is uninsured. When trying to address access to care, the Health Department had to keep these influential barriers in mind. Utilization of the mobile medical unit allows the Health Department to overcome the specific barriers of travel, payment, and convince. The Health Department also provides primary care and child health clinics with a focus of providing services to the underserved and those of Historically Marginalized populations within Duplin County. NC MedAssist helps the Health Department provide medications to the same underserved and historically marginalized populations to ensure equitable access to a healthy life.
Alignment With Healthy North Carolina 2030
Primary Care Clinicians